This paint can only be used on a warm day with the temperature above 10°C and make sure there’s no rain forecast.
This paint isn’t suitable for decking.
How to prepare new wood
- New wood needs to be left to weather for six weeks to ensure all coatings have washed away.
- After six weeks, lightly sand the surface to remove excess fibres and splinters.
- Wipe the wood with a lint-free cloth that’s slightly damp with methylated spirit.
How to prepare old garden wood
- Old wood that’s already been painted or has been left outside for a while should be quickly sanded down. This will get rid of loose paint and give you a smoot surface to work with.
- Wipe down the surface with white spirit to remove dirt or grease.
- Any mould or algae should be cleaned away and rotten wood should either be cut away or hardened.
Sheds and fences can be prepared with a stiff wire brush.
Preparing brick or stone
Brush away any dust or debris and wipe clear before painting.
Preparing terracotta
- Sand down the surface until any glaze is properly removed.
- Apply water to the terracotta and if it beads, you will need to keep sanding to remove the glaze.
Repeat step two until the water no longer beads.
Preparing metal
Metal surfaces should be primed before you apply the Garden Paint. Grey primer should be used for darker colours and a white primer used for lighter colours.